I have just entered the Old Postern. One of the oldest buildings and learning spaces at Schumacher College. I take off my shoes at the entrance and hear someone playing the piano. I wander a bit, and from the meditation room I hear the sound of a gong ringing out. I wander around in the corridors, and suddenly my eyes are captured by the words I am looking for: Engaged Ecology.
It must be here, the classroom I have been suggested to have a look at. I come close to the door and just when I touch the doorhandle, my eyes notice a note on the wall. Begin Class Ritual, it says. I smile, and prepare myself to start the process. Cross the treshold, and then, blow bubbles.
I open the door, and one focused foot at a time, I cross the treshold into a spacious room illuminated by a row of windows, I am alone. The students must be outside this afternoon. I quickly see the orange bubble-pack and do my best to blow bubbles. Its actually quite difficult, to make them fly across the room. Finally I succeed.
The rainbow bubbles fly over a long table with essays and literature copies in one end, computer station in the other, in the middle a kind-of shrine with stones, flowers and other fine selected pieces. The bubbles fly over sofas and cushions, that is in the main part of the room. A kind Unicorn teddy is relaxing there. It is such an inviting teddy, and I can't help to imagine it being alive. That it is taking care of the space, while the students are away.
What I didn't know was, that a couple of days later, Anne Sofie and I would sit in that sofa, with the Unicorn Teddy in my lap, listening to Satish Kumar.
But this was exactly what happened.
It happened just after the early dishwashing shift. We were around 10 people sitting on soft things on the floor around a magical, digital fire. The fire came from a YouTube video and is placed inside the real fireplace, 'to make some atmosphere', as one of the main teachers, Anna Selby, said, while she winked and warmly giggled to Satish.
A students asked Satish:
- "Satish, if you could choose 1 book from this classroom's shelves, that you would like to read, which one should it be?"
- He giggled and smiled, "Thich Nhat Hanh - Love letters To The Earth. He is a good friend, very nice man."
Satish kindly inquired about all nationalities present in the room, and took time, to respond to each person, who presented their name and nationality, with a little anecdote from each country. He's been around for sure ;).
Anna Selby, asked him to share his thoughts on Sacred Activism.
And I noticed Anne Sofie taking out her notebook, and started doing her magic.
Beauty was happening. Through ears, captured in hearts and expressed with pen.
The bubbles are bursting, and the collapsed bubbles turns into a tiny pool of soap on a shelf. The drawer is open. My hand finds a jungle of sparkly shiny jewelry and beauty items, that invites for play and dress-up. I dive deeper into the jungle, and a very different neckless finds my hand. Its a wooden piece with the word Silent written on it. I wonder how these very different human expression-items would be used in a classroom. What purpose and role do they have?

I close the drawer and imagine the room full of students. Some on the chairs, looking out of the window, some stretching on the yoga mats, some in the sofa sitting with the Unicorn Teddy. Maybe some with a jewelry in their hair, or with the sacred word silent resting on their chest. Listening and capturing knowledge and new perspectives on the world. Presented by Andy Letcher and Anna Selby, a Phd. and a poet. Equally prioritised and valued in this Masters Program.
I leave into the other side of the room. As I cross the doorframe, the treshold, I send a blessing to all that dare to experiment with how bodies and poetic playful souls like to learn. Daring to ask the questions. Daring to try it out.
I move my body outside, the hanging green leaves welcome me, and I wonder how it would look like, to move classrooms even more into a sensory room. The outsides. Students from Engaged Ecology have told me, that they often have lectures in the Red Woods, around a bonfire in the evening and sometimes by the river. And also often sits in front of a powerpoint show.
Hmm.. I wonder. When continuously moving from the mind to the body to the poetic selves, what are students then eager to learn? How would they like to learn new perspectives of the world? Slideshows, rivers, jewelry and cushions? Many questions come alive inside me.
I hear people chat, behind the old Chicken Shed. I must be too late for the food blessings. I walk closer, Yes iIam too late, the food is already served. I see students, teachers, staff, volunteers and visitors sit with their colourful plates in the sun.
Anne Sofie comes by, and tells me, that she have a "date" with Anna Selby. She would love to have a talk, and tell us more about how she works and sees the world. I am happy, and eager to listen to their conversation. They have found a table inside, and have already started talking.
I sneak along, and sit as a quite listening bird beside them. You can sit beside me as well! Just copy the link below, and hopefully we can still follow what they are talking about ;).
Oh, we had to leave.
Alright, snippets of a rich conversation, huh?
I heard a facilitator that asks the students how THEY like it to be: how they would like the classroom to look like, what contributers they would like to have, what items should be on THEIR wellbeing-station. What makes them feel good and safe enough to learn and be in the classroom.
Such a difference of how I normally experience teachers. Top down. Do as I say.
And that simple act of listening. Co-creation.
Helping students to take responsible for their own learning.
I go outside again and finish the food. Rainbow Chart, beans, fresh leaves with the best vinaigrette I have ever tasted.
You can check out wonderful Anna Selby, on her webpage:
And read more about Engaged Ecology, the teachers, contributers and Schumacher College here: https://campus.dartington.org/engaged-ecology/