Our guiding questions have been asked again and again and agin, as a curious child along our journey.
How to live, facilitate and research the culture we are longing for?
What is (the importance of) belonging in these times?
How can we reimagine our relationships with the-more-human-than-world, ourselves and each other, to deepen our sense of connection, purpose and joy?
What is the importance of being in contact with joy, when creating change? How does holistic facilitation look like?
Answers might not be crystal clear, as answers to complex questions never really can get. We are going forth with a very profound and very impactful mark. Maybe not as an answer, but more as an action. We have gathered many new perspectives on the themes of our guiding questions, and seen and experienced so many ways to PRACTICE this.
And the word practice and action have become very important to us.
It's time to try!
With years full of reflections, new connections of plural problems, practises of "solutions", we now feel ready to birth a CLUB. Shimmering Wonder Club.
We have gathered some of our most dear and important insights of our trip, as we see and experience as ground pillars of a regenerative mindset and culture.
They are standing on hope, positivity, transformation and experimentation.
We dream to make a club where we train the muscles of compassion, kindness, connection and openness, for creating a new way to seeing and being in the world - for the wellbeing of all. We will start with WONDER.

Because we wonder, how humble curiosity can be a way to practise compassion and kindness towards ourselves, the more-than-human, other humans as well as society and structures that surround us.
We wonder what quality this can bring to our inner dialog and wellbeing? What actions and new ways of interacting with other people, friends as strangers, material products and bigger systems and institutions will it birth?

We have have made a mindmap, of hopeful "outcomes" of the practice of joyful wonder in a club.
This is just words, so we have to try it out, and see what happens, hopefully we will be surprised.

We will start, by trying the concept with our friends and then later, widen the invitation to more strangers. A invitation could look something like this:

We would love to find a outdoor space, with a bit of shelter if it is raining, where we can meet a couple of hours every week.
We imagen one of the wilder parks in Copenhagen.
We would love to meet once a week, to create a sense of community and intimacy in the group.

We would love to facilitate, what we think is fun and nurturing and gives us energy, empowerment and hope.
Emergent design
We will try to facilitate with focus on what is needed. What do we as facilitators feel energised about today? What does the weather invite? What energy level is needed right to serve for the good? What is present in the group?
We will try to be open for improvisation and intuition as a fellow facilitator.
And as well open, so the other club members can lead an activity.
Ideas for activities:
- Use improv theatre as a way to loosen the creativity and expression.
- Act like we are very very small, and have a wander as tiny beings. How does the trees look like from here? What do i notice?
- In couples: One closed eyes, the other is kindly leading the blind person to new sensory experiences.
- In couples, walking together, one is blind on the right eye, the other on the left.
- Make bigger improv situations with the trees/grass/bench.
- Draw threes/plants, how do they actually look like?
- Ask, and not answer: "I wonder..." to the plant/three.
- Write stories/poetry/songs, from the things and beings around. Being open to what stories/voices that are already there.
- Fool expression, take a walk, with a part of your personality, that is not often leading the way.
- Nature-therapy, use the natural environment to reveal whats going on inside.
- Rituals and cerimony
- To be quite together for 1 hour (what happens when the guidance is nothing?).
- Make a slow-moving, quite flashmob, in the streets/city.
- Give flowers to strangers (in a group).
- Paint with chalk and give unwished plants in the streets a wondering voice.
- and way more ideas will come (as you see, we are deeply inspired by Claudia, Anna Selby and the PuiMani gruop).
Community, practice, action
We will start every session with honouring the place and people that is there. A check in, a game or a song for deepening the community and create stronger connections.
Then we will start the main activities (ideas above) within a frame.
We will end each session with an action for the wellbeing of the land we stand on (collect garbage, make a prayer, plant seeds) or an action outside the park or for ourselves/hold a intention for the next week that would be for the most good. If we dont do it in the time we are together, we make each other accountable on the action/intention we would like to hold until next week.
It feels important for us to spread the work.
Already started
Here are som pictures of some actions we have done on our travels, to create space for wonder and compassion.
Notes can invite for new ways of being
Here we have experienced with different kind of notes that too invites for an activity or small experiement to experience the world a bit new.
To make small notes and hang them in mysterious places, could be a activity for the club as well.
That's all. WE are so much looking forward to start the Shimmering Wonder Club.
Thanks for reading and supporting us, on our recidency journey <3